A type of technique in which we want to optimize the function of the different types of tissues and physiological systems in which we try to bring the body back to its homeostatic state.
Applications: for acute and chronic pain, muscle imbalance, postural insufficiency, circulatory and lymphatic system, fascial adhesions and scars, pathological movements, and neurological conditions.
Neuromuscular strips work with the central nervous system through receptors and hair follicles located on the skin. Depending on the applied technique, the skin receives different types of sensations and information through receptors, which carry sensory information to the spinal cord and cortex.
In muscles we achieve: pain relief, optimizes range of motion, improves the length of muscle fibers, faster tissue recovery and reduced fatigue.
Biomechanically affects the joints by: agonist and antagonist muscle imbalance, reduces protective muscle defense, reduce dolor, and gives stability to the ligament and tendon (postural deficiency).