
Monthly treatment pack

PACK 123220€
PACK 233270€
PACK 334320€
PACK 454520€

These prices are variable depending on the treatment needs according to the patient's injury.

Acupuncture session, Chiropractic, Miofascial therapy, Kinesiotaping – 150€

Ultrasound fee – 80-150€

Lightning rate

Individual plates (2 units) 50 €

Pre-purchase radiological examination (18 units) 400 €

Complete pre-purchase exam (24-45 units) 600-1000 €

Tomosynthesis study (Study 1 anatomical redion) 400 €

Tomosynthesis study (Study 1 anatomical regions) 600 €

Bonos Aquatreadmill


Bonds 5 sessions 250 €
Bonds 10 sessions 500 €

*The above prices do not include VAT