Amber Acupuncture Case
Amber is a Dutch pony D breed (NRPS). In his training we have observed that he begins to breathe with difficulty, that we accused him of the heat, but it has also happened on days with less heat. Despite having reviewed the […]
Picobello Acupuncture Case
Picobello is a K.W.P.N, macho, castrated from 17 year old. Jumping competition horse that lately in his training had lowered his performance and physical resistance. Joint swelling after rest that improves with movement. […]
What is chiropractic?
Animal Chiropractic involves gentle motion of the spinal joints and extremities to restore proper biomechanics (normal anatomical motion) and importantly nervous system function in your pet. More information
Introduction to acupuncture
Acupuncture is considered a science where disease is treated as an imbalance or disharmony in the body. The way to solve this imbalance is by inserting specific needles in certain points of the body., considered acupuncture points, the […]